Tame Your Self-Talk Workshop:
Restore Peace and Purpose
by Quieting Your Inner Mean Girl

In this workshop, you'll discover:

The most common mistakes women make that poison their self-talk and tank their confidence

3 proven strategies to silence your Inner Mean Girl and fire the liar in your brain so you can unlock greater compassion and empathy toward yourself and others

The Sprinter's Secret to banish comparison and embrace your unique strengths

The Fido Factor for cultivating more self-compassion and grace

The Bride Wars Theory of Self-Talk for greater joy, peace, and confidence

What's Included:

25-Minute Workshop

15 Ways to Be Your Own Best Friend to give yourself the same TLC you give your bestie.

Workshop Handout to create your own customized plan of self-care action.

Ongoing Access to watch again and again.

Hey! I'm Holly,

I'm an author, speaker, and self-worth coach who helps women love and trust themselves again so they can have more impact, peace, and fulfillment. 

And it all starts when you know your worth, radiate confidence, and embrace your most authentic, be*YOU*tiful YOU!

I'm also a homeschooling mom of two special-needs kids, former perfectionist/people-pleaser, avid reader, competitive ballroom dancer, Tae Kwon Do enthusiast. and lover of penguins, Latin music, and anything with bling.

  • Is this another workshop about affirmations?
    Studies actual show that affirmations often BACKFIRE if you're not super confident to being with. That's because most "affirmations" are rooted in fantasy more than faith, so they feel like lies. This workshop shows you how to speak LIFE and TRUTH to yourself without endlessly reciting empty affirmations you don't really believe.
  • Who is this workshop for?
    If you say mean things to yourself that you’d never dream of saying to anyone else... if you’re constantly comparing yourself to others and seeing all the ways you don’t measure up... if you’re great at giving grace and unconditional acceptance to others, but you struggle to give it to yourself... you'll love this course!
  • The Fido Factor? Really?
    You betcha! Because, chances are, you're nicer to your dog than you are to yourself. In this workshop, you'll learn how to change that.
"The Fido Factor! OMG, so true!"
I"I just wanted to let you know that I was really moved by your presentation. I am empowered by you and I thank you from the bottom of my heart."
"I love that you say we should run our own race, but yet not completely ignore our competition, but instead know where we want to be headed."

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Simple enough to do while drinking your morning coffee.

Powerful enough to transform your life.

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  • Total payment
  • 1xTame Your Self-Talk Workskop$9

All prices in USD