Achieve your business goals
with ease, intention, and purpose.

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Get Unstuck: 40 Ways to Find Your Flow and Get Stuff Done
for only $9!

Overcome overwhelm, renew your focus, and make consistent progress on your goals.

In this powerful workshop, you’ll discover how to identify and bust through the blocks holding you back, all while reclaiming your time, energy, and confidence. 

Whether you’re drowning in to-dos, stalled out on an important project, or just need a little spark to move forward, this workshop will get you back on track and moving fast.

Overcome overwhelm, renew your focus, and make consistent progress on your goals.

In this powerful workshop, you’ll discover how to identify and bust through the blocks holding you back, all while reclaiming your time, energy, and confidence.

Whether you’re drowning in to-dos, stalled out on an important project, or just need a little spark to move forward, this workshop will get you back on track and moving fast.

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Here's what you get:

Year-end review to take stock of what worked and what you want to change

Content planners, income tracker, goal brainstorming and prioritization, and more

Trackers for monthly, quarterly, and yearly goals

Trackers for self-care and all-around life balance - because you are more than your business

Today's Price: $27
Yours for only $7!

  • Total payment
  • 1xYear in Focus Goal-Setting Planner TW$7

All prices in USD
